





What Complications Can Result From Chlamydia?

chlamydia bacteria is an infection disease caused by the bacterium chlamydia trachomatis. This bacteria can infect the cervix in women and the urethra and rectum in both men and women. Occasionally chlamydia can also affect other parts of the body, including the throat and eyes.

Chlamydia often has no symptoms, especially among women. If left untreated, chlamydia can cause serious problems later in life.


What complications can result from chlamydia?

For women, if left untreated it can lead to:

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) - an infection of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. PID increases the future risk of ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy outside the womb) or premature birth. If the fallopian tubes are scarred, it can also lead to problems with fertility.

Cervicitis - an inflammation of the cervix. Symptoms include a yellowish vaginal discharge and pain during sex. In long-term cervicitis the cervix becomes very inflammed and cysts can develop and become infected. This can lead to deep pelvic pain and backache.


For men, if left untreated it can lead to:

Epididymitis - painful inflammation of the tube system that is part of the testicles, which can lead to infertility.

Urethritis - inflammation of the urine tube (urethra), causing a yellow or clear pus-like discharge to collect at the tip of the penis. Left untreated it can lead to a narrowing of the urethra, which can affect the ability to urinate easily and can potentially cause kidney problems.

Reactive arthritis - symptoms include inflammation of the joints, urethra and eyes.


In addition, if a pregnant woman has untreated chlamydia, the infection can potentially be passed on to a baby during pregnancy, giving it an eye or lung infection. Chlamydia can be safely treated during pregnancy provided the correct medicine are prescribed.


Chlamydia in Men is not as Dangerous as it in Women

signs of chlamydia in females is by far one of the leading sexually transmitted infections in both men and women and although left untreated may lead to complications, men are less prone to get complications. Thus, chlamydia in men is not as dangerous as in women.

Chlamydia in men genitals is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease that affects the male population. This type of infection is caused by bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. The bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis does not however affect only the urinary tract and genital are but also the eyes. A certain type of conjunctivitis, called Chlamydial conjunctivitis is caused by the same bacteria. Thus, antibiotics is usually prescribed to treat chlamydia as it is often caused by bacteria. Antibiotics has function of killing bacteria.

In addition, herbal medicine has particular function of killing bacteria and virus and doesn’t have any side effects. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a herbal medicine for chlamydia in men. It has helped many patients with stubborn chlamydia infection.

Chlamydia is sometimes referred to as the silent infection because it rarely causes symptoms. Chlamydia in men does not seem to be as dangerous as in women, at least at a first glance. Yet, the bacterium chlamydia in men usually caused a white and cloudy discharge from the penis along with pain or burning while urinating. Some men experienced an increase in the frequency of urination as well as burning and itching around the opening of the urethra. Herbal medicine can cure these symptoms thoroughly in about three months.

How To Test Chlamydia Infection In Men?

male symptoms of chlamydia has been a frequent disease in men.It is boring as chlamydia infection can recur easily.Most people don’t know they have suffered chlamydia infection until doctors tell them because they don’t know how to test it.

How to test chlamydia infection in men?

1.Take your temperature if you seem to have a fever. Fever is often present in active chlamydia infections. However, since fever is associated with so many other conditions, you should be on the lookout for other chlamydia symptoms as well.

2.Take note if you experience a burning or stinging sensation when you urinate. This is one of the most commonly reported symptoms of chlamydia.

3.Recognize any unusual discharge . Discharge that is runny, cloudy, a strange color or that smells bad is a typical symptom of chlamydia in men.

4.Know that if your testicles become swollen and/or painful, you may have chlamydia. This symptom usually appears in the mid to later stages of chlamydia.

5.Be aware that oral chlamydia can result in a sore throat and anal chlamydia can cause swelling of the rectum.

6.Know when you last had sexual intercourse. Symptoms of chlamydia usually begin to appear within 1 to 3 weeks of having sex with an infected partner.

Something about chlamydia infection you should pay attention

If you are sexually active with more than one partner at a time, you should consider getting tested for chlamydia every 3 to 6 months.

Be aware that nearly fifty percent of men who have an active chlamydia infection have no symptoms at all. This makes having an annual physical exam, that includes testing for chlamydia, all the more important.

Untreated chlamydia can cause scarring of the testes in men. This scarring can lead to infertility. Infertility due to chlamydia can happen fairly quickly, usually within 6 to 8 weeks of contracting the infection.

Instances: Mech Citadel

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Branded as killers, lunatics, devils and oath-breakers, Buy Revelation Online Coins all to save face and waylay any sympathetic tendencies towards them, the prisoners slowly degraded into the very things they were being branded as. It is no surprise, then, that when the Gunslingers arrived and caused an unintentional outbreak, these ‘murders, lunatics and killers’ were all too happy to escape back into the wilds of Nuanor and begin plotting a means to unleash unending pain on the world around them – retribution for what they had to endure at the hands of their captors. Even then, that would not be enough to sate their rage.

And so, the Mech Citadel was born, forged through secrets these once normal men stole from the Fire Civilization long, long ago. What better way to punish those who wronged you than to turn their very own secrets and culture against them? So twisted is the Mech Citadel’s design that those who built it unknowingly became its very first prisoners, further sinking them into the fiery rage and torment that enveloped them all those years ago – forever stuck in the metallic, charred, self-built forms they had to adopt in order to build the Citadel in the first place, with all plans for revenge unknowingly foiled by their own hands read more.

Guide: Socketing Badges & Runes

Part two of our Badges & Runes breakdown – unlock your full potential!

Revelation Online Coins to part two of our guide regarding the Badge and Rune system! Here we’ll be looking at the runes themselves and how to socket them.

Socketing Runes into Badges

To socket runes into a badge, said badge must have engraving slots (which only applies badges level 4 and higher). You can check how many slots your badges have by hovering your mouse over them – the first row you’ll see are runes.

To socket the rune, open your character window and click on the magnifying glass right next to the badge. A window will pop up and, depending on the level of your badge, there will be more or less carved slots available – to have all 5 rune slots, the badge must be level 6 or higher. Click on an available (non-engraved) slot and select the badge.

After you’re done socketing runes, you can check the results by checking out the item itself (and for more details, hit SHIFT while inspecting or mousing over it).

Revelation Online Power Leveling To remove them, click on the magnifying glass again and click "Remove", though bear in mind that you will be asked to pay a removal fee. You will not lose the rune, it will simply go back to your inventory.

Check our Runes Page for a full list of runes and their effects!

Now that you know how to experiment with Badges and Runes, we look forward to seeing what combinations you deem worthy of your hero. Thank you for reading and good luck in your next adventure read more



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